Monday, 21 July 2014

How to plan your weekly menu?

Freshly prepared meals require planning if you are working and/or have kids. I know people who shop every day after work on their way home, queue at the supermarket after an already refreshing commute and then cook something at home. If you value your time then you have to organise your groceries delivery and know exactly what you are going to prepare today and every day of the week. 

Plan, plan, plan and you will always have a fresh meal in the evening and a lunchbox at your lunchtime.

My planning technique is the following.

1. Every week I create a list of dishes I am intending to cook the following week. Usually I create a list of food that my husband and our guests like. 

2. I insert all the ingredients I need into a "list of products" at Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Ocado or another website I am using for grocery shopping.

3. Deliveries can be booked 2-3 weeks in advance. I usually book 2 deliveries a week because I do not freeze meat or other products. Some people prefer to order groceries once a week.

4. I always cook a large meal in the evening because both my husband and myself, we eat our lunch boxes at work. So if we have an Italian week - home-made Italian dishes like lasagna, pasta bake, risotto, cannelloni, I have two lunch boxes ready next to the oven/cooker (to be filled with our lunches). We even take a tiny container with cheese for topping or some sauce. 

5. Try Sainsbury's weekly meal planner or something similar but swap cheaper ingredients for more expensive ones if you can. Pack of 20 sausages for 60 pence will not add to the flavour of your dish. 

6. Create baskets at online supermarkets which you can use once a month/once every two months when you, say, want an Indian week or Best-dishes-from-around-the-world week. Saving baskets make your shopping super fast and easy, also you can decide what to cook for the whole week in a couple of seconds. 

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